30 Before 30 List

For years now I’ve been talking to anyone that will listen about starting a blog. I’ve had numerous people tell me I should start one. BUT, for me it’s not as simple as sitting down and typing up my thoughts. There is A LOT more that goes into it than I ever imagined there would be. Just coming up with a name took me forever. Then I had to figure out what the hell I was going to write about, how I was going to write it, and who my target audience would be. I kept putting it off and putting it off- telling myself that eventually, one day, I was going to sit down and just DO IT. That day is finally here, and I am beyond excited. What a great tool for me to use as a form of self-expression. There’s no limits, no restrictions, no “right way”- because its 100% MINE! 😊

Peyto Lake, Banff National Park- Alberta


I work way more efficiently if I have a deadline, that’s something I’ve learned about myself over the years. So I set a deadline for getting a blog started. Enter 30 Before 30 list- which is basically a list of things I want to accomplish before I… dun dun dunnn… turn 30 (May 20, 2018). I don’t know why I’m so scared of leaving my 20’s- but I am, eeeek. To help make it a little less scary/help me feel better about entering a new decade of life- I made the 30 Before 30 List. I challenged myself to complete this list in a year. I’ve been knocking some pretty big things off my list this year- but this blog by far is the biggest (blogging also terrifies me). Check out the full list below to get inspired- and follow my blog for all the juicy details!

white water rafting
White Water Rafting, Jasper National Park, Alberta


iFly Wind tunnel, Los Angeles, California
  1. Alberta
  2. New York City
  3. Visit a lavender farm
  4. Run through a sunflower field
  5. Hike the inca  trail
  6. Fly first class
  7. Go rock climbing
  8. White water rafting
  9. Go rock climbing
  10. Go white water rafting
  11. Bikini wax
  12. Complete the 30 day photography challenge
  13. Visit Rainbow Mountain
  14. Get lasik surgery
  15. Plant an herb garden
  16. Take a hot air balloon ride
  17. Make a compost
  18. Start a blog
  19. Sleep under the stars in my hammock
  20. See sleeping bear dunes
  21. Go on a backpacking hike
  22. Rainbow mountain
  23. Iceland
  24. Go credit card free for one month
  25. Plant a tree
  26. Dye my hair purple
  27. Take a piano lesson
  28. Take a mud bath/weird spa treatment
  29. Sleeping Bear Dunes National Lakeshore
  30. Do something new: iFly
sleeping bear dunes
Sleeping Bear Dunes National Lakeshore, Michigan
Rainbow Mountain, Peru


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