8 Must Try Michigan Foods

8 Must Try Michigan Foods

The holiday season is my favorite time of year. My friends come home to Michigan from all over the country, work shuts down for a weeklong vacation, and I get to spend my afternoons brunching with my girlfriends instead of sitting in meetings. These 8 must-try Michigan foods will make your visit to the Great Lakes state tasty. When my friends come home I always ask them– where do you want to go? what are you craving? Almost immediately the response includes something or somewhere only Michigan can provide.

Here are the 8 must-try Michigan Foods to taste if you’re visiting the Great Lakes State!

The must try Michigan foods out of towners should eat when visiting the Great Lakes state.

Cider & Donuts

Growing up in Michigan meant going to cider mills in the fall. Cider mills meant melt-in-your-mouth delicious cinnamon sugar-covered donuts and crisp apple cider to wash it down. The cider mills used to only be open during the fall- but as the popularity of the cider donut combo grew- the hours of some of the larger mills extended into the other seasons. There are so many cider mills within driving distance of Detroit- if you’re in Michigan, this is one treat you don’t want to miss. Find a cider mill near Detroit!


Coney Dogs

Lafayette Coney Island VS American Coney Island. The ongoing battle for the best coney dog in Detroit is a long one. The two restaurants are next door to each other on the corner of Michigan Avenue and Lafayette Boulevard- try them both, and you be the judge on who does em best.

My favorite must-try Michigan foods


Chicken Finger Hani

Crispy chicken tenders, lettuce, American cheese, and tomato wrapped in a pita smothered in delicious homemade ranch. You can find this signature sandwich at most Coney’s in Michigan– making it my go-to sandwich for lunch more often than I care to admit. In fact, I’m pretty sure the Kerbys by my office know me by name …




A pasty, or meat pie- is a hearty, savory, pastry filled with meat, potatoes, and veggies. The pasties have an unusual history and were originally made for copper mine workers. There aren’t many places in the U.S. you can get your hands on these, so if you’re from outta town- don’t leave without trying one!


Detroit Style Pizza

My favorite Detroit-style pizza is made by Buddys. My recommendation would be to get their award-winning Detroiter pizza with a huge side of homemade ranch to dip it in oh and don’t forget the Buddy bread while you’re waiting.

Explore the undiscovered beauty of Detroit to get a feel for Detroit’s charm and impressive buildings like the Guardian building.


Ice Cream

Getting ice cream after dinner happens all year round in Michigan. In the summer- going out for ice cream is pretty standard a couple of nights a week (at least in my home). Even in January when temperatures are in the negatives- we’re in the freezer aisle picking up ice cream or standing in line at the local ice cream shop. Yes, I know froyo is the cool thing, but we take our ice cream in Michigan seriously- which means dairy & sugar- so skip the froyo and try something local your taste buds will thank you for like Cook’s Dairy, Hudsonville, or Sanders.

The must try Michigan foods out of towners should eat when visiting the Great Lakes state.

Poutine Fries

Michigan’s neighbor is just across a bridge away (yes there is two) – Canada. The popular Canadian food, poutine fries has made its way into Michigan’s food scene becoming a staple at burger joints and breweries. Pinconning Cheese Co. in Pinconning Michigan sells a variety of cheese curds, meats, and other cheeses that are perfect for homemade poutine fries.

Better made chips

Everyone in Michigan has had Better (Michigan) Made chips, my personal favorites are BBQ and sour cream & onion. You can find them in gas stations, grocery stores, or party stores.

The must try Michigan foods out of towners should eat when visiting the Great Lakes state.

Is there something that I missed? leave me a comment so i can add it to the list!

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    8 Must Try Michigan Foods
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